Wednesday, October 20, 2010

So today I finished the mask and now I'm working on making covers that will go around the eyes.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Spider--Doo mask

So this is what I did today. Basically I put the spider man mask on scooby. I still have to make the mask fit his face and match up the colors

Sunday, October 10, 2010

5 abstract photos

                                                                                                           This is abstract because at first glance you can't tell what the photo is. Then when you continue to look at it, it becomes easier to tell what it's a picture of.

 This is abstract because it could be anything. It also has shadows to give the picture more depth.

This is abstract because of all the different colors and shapes in the picture. The angle of the photo throws you off and also makes it abstract.

This is abstract because you can tell it's glass but you can't tell what it's from.                                                                      

This is abstract because it is cropped in so close you can only see colors and shapes, thus you can't tell what it is.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I tried to fix my zebra to day and it's not working!!! I think I'm giving up because I'm becoming  a perfectionist!! So here is my finial copy :)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Rhino/Zebra incident

So today I tried to turn the zebra into a rhino and I sucked!!! So I just took the sample picture and copied it onto my page. Mr. Cornell BELIEVED me!!!!!! hahahaha but then I decided to come clean and now I'm starting the project all over again! Not gonna lie, it was pretty funny though.